Isolation and Identification of Inulin and Fos from Dioscorea Esculenta


Inulin and fructooligosaccharides(FOS) OS are dietary fibers that are needed by the body to maintain the health. So far, the inulin used in Indonesia are imported from the other countries. Therefore, this research was conducted to isolate and identify the inulin and FOS from the lesser yam (Dioscorea esculenta). In hydrolysis at 30∘ C, pH 5, a concentration of 12% (v / w dried inulin) for 120 hours to obtain the inulin fiber, the crudeinulinaseenzymefromAcremoniumspCBS3asthebestinulinasetypewasable to produce SDF (Solouble Dietary Fiber) by 86, 04%.

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