Proper Name Themes: A Realization of Harmony Between Human, Languages, and Nature


There have been many studies of proper names. However, a study of proper names among society with different languages and cultures is still difficult to find. Therefore, this study tries to answer the question of whether there is any similarity between Javanese and Germany proper names. Javanese proper names are based on Yogyakarta society in Indonesia. The data were obtained from press and electronic media. The themes of Javanese proper names were then compared to those Germany ones that have been published in the internet. The data were analyzed qualitatively by using categorization based on the similarity-themes between Javanese and Germany proper names. Basically, humans have a desire to become one with other humans and the natural surroundings (Aristotle in Latief, 2006). It is manifested through language. The results of study show that there are some similarities between the themes of those two societies. For instance, there are proper names related to flower. Based on the result, it can be concluded that there are several forms of harmony between human, language, and nature.


Keywords: proper name themes, harmony, nature

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