Promoting Hots and Better Literacy for EFL Students Through the Cognitively Challenging Reading Material


This literature review presents evidence from the literature which suggests that learning a foreign language in a classroom situation need a major shifting in its teaching and learning process. Memorizing language grammar does not necessarily provide the tools for teaching a person to speak, read, write and think with the target language. Educators need to be aware that language description (the language structures or rules) is not the same with language function (communication and thinking process). Current literature review surveys books and scholarly articles which are relevant to literacy issue by providing description, summary, and critical evaluation of these works in relation to the research problem being investigated. Latest findings from cognitive psychology field stresses that language acquisition can be achieved through cognitively challenging reading material. The students will feel more engagement with reading material which is not specifically design to learn English; they will read a reading material which is relevant to their lives and also interesting from their point of view. The reading material also must be comprehensible to the students. By understanding the content, they will add more layers to their conceptual thinking, and this will hone their High Order Thinking Skill. This work is of great importance to teachers as it demonstrates that teachers would help students become more literate by investing their time in choosing interesting and relevant reading materials.


Keywords: Language, Literacy, Acquisition, Thinking, Reading

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