Overcoming Funding Issues with Funding Management Innovation of Garbage Clinical Insurance Malang


This research aims to comprehend a funding management innovation as well as funding source alternative with an insurance model in a sociopreneur organization. The research was done in Garbage Clinical Insurance (GCI), one of the programmes of Indonesia Medika in Malang, which works on micro health insurance, and operates utilizing waste as a payment tool of the premium to get the health treatment. This research is a descriptive qualitative research with a study case approach. The results of the study show that funding sources used by GCI do not only rely on primary income only, but also from public patient income, funding from competitions or CSR, merchandise selling, alms from the administrators, and donations in a form of waste. In the fund management, besides using it for the medical treatment of the patients, the fund is also used to develop the fundraising programme.


Keywords: Funding Innovation, Waste Insurance, Sociopreneur

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