Analysis of Optimal Portfolio Performance Comparison on Companies Listed in LQ45 Index and Companies Unregistered in LQ45 Index


This research was conducted based on the increase in society’s enthusiasm towards investing in the capital market, particularly the stock market. New investors’ lack of knowledge about stock may lead them to invest in stocks only based on the return. Return is one of the most important factor in choosing stock to invest in, however it is not the only important factor. Investors should also consider the stock’s risks as well as whether the stock is very high in volatility or not (Shares with high volatility is called “saham gorengan” in Indonesian). The purpose of this research is to find out the differences between optimal portfolio which consists of stocks registered in LQ45 Index and optimal portfolio which consists of stocks unregistered in LQ45 Index within the time frame of 2015-2017. The research method used is t-test to differentiate two means from two independent samples. The finding of this research shows there is a significant difference between optimal portfolio which consists of stocks registered in LQ45 Index and optimal portfolio which consists of stocks unregistered in LQ45 Index within the period of 2015-2017.

Keywords: Markowitz’s portofolio; lq45 index; t-test; return; risk

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