Effect of Celebrity Endorser Through Social Media on Organic Cosmetic Purchasing Intention Mediated with Attitude


A rapid information and communication technology development results in the change of community’s lifestyle in online shopping. Online marketing strategy should be taken to improve organic cosmetic purchasing intention through Instagram, one of which is to use celebrity endorser in advertisement. Considering Theory of Planned Behavior, this research employed purchase intention, attitude toward advertisement, trustworthiness, expertise, attractiveness variables. The objective of research was to find out the effect of celebrity endorser on attitude toward advertisement and organic cosmetic purchase intention through Instagram. Technique of collecting data used was Google form through social media, Instagram. This research employed Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) with Maximum Likelihood estimation model. The result of analysis on 200 respondents showed that there is a positive effect of celebrity’s trustworthiness, celebrity’s expertise, celebrity’s attractiveness on Attitude toward advertisement and organic cosmetic purchase intention through Instagram. In addition, attitude toward advertisement serves as imperfect mediation of celebrity’s trustworthiness, celebrity’s expertise, celebrity’s attractiveness and purchase intention.

Keywords: Celebrity endorser; Trustworthiness; Attractiveness; Expertise; Theory of Planned Behavior; Attitude Toward Advertisement; Purchasing Intention; Organic Cosmetic; Social Media

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