The Analysis of Tourism Development Strategy at Kampoeng Durian in the Region of Ngrogung Ngebel Ponorogo Through Nine Approach Components of Business Model Canvas


This research aims to map the excellence owned by Kampoeng Durian in Ngrogung District Ngebel that uses SWOT to analyze tourism development strategy of Kampoeng Durian Ngebel through the Business Model Canvas (BMC) approach. This research was qualitative descriptive research methods using the Business Model Canvas framework, which was used to assess several variables in the tour Kampoeng Durian Ngrogung Village. The results showed that the tourism management Kampoeng durian need to conduct various development efforts in each component Business Model Canvas. Those were building business partners with various parties (key partner), adding business activities or operations in the business of Kampoeng Durian (key activities), doing durian fruit processing into various new products/processed products (value proposition), creating a special pricing program for tourists (customer relationship), providing easy road access to the tourism site of Kampoeng Durian Strategies by adding segments that will be served in a business (segment), Other resources in providing services to tourists. (key resource), promoting in various media (channels) and adding a business income source (revenue streams).

Keywords: Business Model Canvas; Kampoeng Durian; Ngebel Ponorogo; SWOT

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