Relationship between Person Job Fit and Psychological Ownership in the Successor of Family Business


Many family businesses fail to regenerate because of a lack of psychological ownership in the successor. Biologically they have the right of heirs to own a family business, but psychologically they don’t necessarily feel they own the business. One possible lack of psychological sense of ownership is because the successor feels the jobs he has to do in the family business is not in accordance or relevant with their personal passion. The purpose of this study is investigating the relationship between person job fit and psychological ownership in family business successors. Research data was collected by distributing questionnaires consisting of two scales to 117 students in the family business class at University X. All of these students were successors of family business. The results showed a positive relationship between person job fit and psychological ownership in family business successors. The higher the person job fit, the higher their psychological ownership, and vice versa. Person job fit is positively correlated to the four dimensions of psychological ownership, especially on the self-identity dimension which has the strongest correlation.

Keywords: family business, person job fit, psychological ownership

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