The Utilization of Ozone As an Alternatif Chlorine Substitution to Increase Quality of Arenga Starch (Arenga pinnata)


This study was aimed to determine the optimum conditions of flour bleaching with ozonation techniques and compare the effect of chlorination results. The process of bleaching flour with ozonation process is carried out in batch system. The research procedure is to vary the time 0, 30, 60, 90, 120, 150, and 180 minutes. Variation in pH 4, 6, native pH of flour, 8, 10 and 1: 3 (b / v) concentration of flour against water. Ozone concentration 0.325 g ozone / hour. The effect of the addition of chlorine is soaked for 180 minutes with the concentration of chlorine to the flour of 0.325% (w / w) and theconcentrationofflour towaterthatis1: 3.The resultsobtainedwerecarriedout by means of data sampling on purpose and were carried out by white degree analysis, organoleptic test, chlorine content test and protein content test. The results of the research that has been done, that the optimum conditions for the bleaching process of flour using ozone are pH 4 with 180 minutes obtained the value of Brightness L* = 93.32, b* = 5.10. Organoleptic results give results that respondents prefer the results of the ozonation process with the classification of odor, color and texture in a row is 9; 8.5;8.6.Theresultsofapositive,andquantitativequalitativechlorinecontenttestwith an Argentometric Mohr titration produced 0.01% (w / w) per 10 g of palm sugar.



Keywords: Chlorination, Ozonation, Bleaching, pH, Palm Flour,

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