E-Commerce Based on the Law of Buying and Selling in Islam


The digital era that is growing so rapidly affects the sales system in the world. With the industrial revolution 4.0, e-commerce is rapidly expanding to meet the needs of millennial. However, from the estimated E-Commerce sales there is less trust in E-Commerce based on sharia law. Transaction in the E-Commerce needs to be studied in Islamic law to provide a legal basis for the transaction. Many discussions need to be discussed regarding E-Commerce, starting from transactions, payment systems, producer rights, consumer rights and the law of buying and selling E-Commerce itself. This study aims to find out how the law of buying and selling contained in Islamic E-Commerce and whether the payment system and the rights of consumers and producers are also in accordance with sharia. This study uses literature qualitative research methods with resources taken from secondary sources in the form of books, journals and rules of law relating to buying and selling. This paper uses descriptive analysis content. The results of this study indicate that Islam supports E-Commerce in order to continue to develop based on sharia principles.



Keywords: E-commerce, the law of buying and selling, Islam

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