Social Conflict in Hamka’s Novel Tenggelamnya Kapal Van Der Wijck


This research focuses on social conflict reflected in Hamka’s novel entitled Tenggelamnya Kapal Van Der Wijck, aimed at revealing the causing factors of social conflict in the novel. The story revolves around a young man’s fighting spirit, though he has to suffer so much because his love is rejected by his lover’s family. Then he gets up from all the grief and opens a new page in his life, becoming a famous and successful writer. He narrates his loyalty and love in such an eloquent way. He knows that his lover is unhappy in the family life. And without hate or resentment, he continues to help his lover. Truly the true love will continue to bloom in the heart to the end of life and this is really the reflection of his love. Soekanto (1982) states that social causing factors can be divided into four namely: (1) Cultural Difference and (2) difference of interest. The method used is descriptive qualitative by (Meleong, 2005: 4). The result shows that all the four factors causing the social conflict proposed are found in the novel. However, the dominant social conflictw found in the novel are cultural difference and difference of interest.


Keywords: Social conflict, Cultural difference, Individual difference

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