Components of Love in Ika Natassa’s Novel Critical Eleven


This study is concerned with the analysis of the components of love depicted in the novel Critical Eleven written by Ika Natassa in 2016. This study was conducted by applying qualitative reseach method (Creswel, 2009: 4). The analysis is based on the theory proposed by Sternberg (1986). There are three components of love portrayed in the novel covering intimacy, passion, and commitment. The result shows that all the three components of love mentioned above are vividly reflected in the novel. Intimacy is depicted through the characters named Ale and Anya, passion is also portrayed through Ale and Anya when they are going to have the first child but it died in the womb, and commitment is also illustrated through the same characters who make up their mind to declare a commitment that they will live together till the end of their life, regardless whatever might happen to them.


Keywords: components of love, intimacy, passion, commitment.

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