Nias Traditional Ceremonies in J. A. Sonjaya’s Novel Manusia Langit


This research contains an analysis of Nias traditional ceremonies in the novel Manusia Langit by J.A. Sonjaya. To reveal the traditional ceremonies of Nias people depicted in the novel Manusia Langit, and see what the views were put to the author of the novel, the author uses the sociological approach of literature. Through a sociological approach of literature, it is seen that people of Nias in the novel have a high trust in ancestors, and the myths in society. The study is analyzed by using descriptive qualitative method. The theory used to analyse the data in this research is that of Sonjaya (2008). The findings show that Nias people can be observed from Banuaha public trust in ancestors and the origins of their ancestors. They also believe in in spirits, and adhere in the traditions and myths prevailing in society, as well as in the implementation of traditional ceremonies.


Keywords: banuaha, excavation, myth, traditional ceremony, ancestor, spirit

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