Code-mixing and Code Switching in Wylvera W.’s Novel Geranium Blossom: Saat Jarak Menguji Cinta: Their Types and Reasons


Code-mixing constitutes a mixing of two codes or languages which is usually without a change of topic, whereas code-switching shows a change made from one language or language variety to another one. There are three types of code-mixing including insertion, alternation, and congruent lexicalization as proposed by Muysken (2000: 3), and code-switching is of four types, that is, inter-sentential switching, intra-sentential switching, emblematic/ tag switching, and intra-word switching (Poplack, 2004: 589). The uses of code-mixing and code-switching are quite common in bilingual or multilingual communities in an informal situation. Based on these two terms (codemixing and code-switching), this paper was then made to describe the types and reasons of code-mixing and code switching in Wylvera W.’s novel Geranium Blossom: Saat Jarak Menguji Cinta written in 2015. The types of code-mixing which are used in the novel are all the three types above (i. e. insertion, alternation, and congruent lexicalization), and those of code-switching which are used are only two from the above four types (i. e. inter-sentential switching and emblematic/ tag switching). It was found that, in terms of code-mixing, insertion was used more than the other types of code-mixing, and, in terms of code-switching, it is inter-sentential switching which was used more than the other types of code-switching. This research applied a descriptive qualitative method as proposed by Creswell (2009: 4) in the analysis of the matters concerning code-mixing and code-switching in the novel.


Keywords: code-mixing, insertion, alternation, congruent lexicalization, codeswitching

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