Needs Hierarchy in T. B. Silalahi’s Novel Toba Dreams


This paper is a descriptive research which concerns the level of human life needs depicted in T. B. Silalahi’s Novel Toba Dreams. This study focuses on the level of life needs which are wanted to be quickly achieved as the key to success. The purpose of this study is to describe the level of life needs of the antagonist named Ronggur based on Maslow’s life needs theory (1987). The fundamental problem is the behavior of the protagonist, Sergeant Tebe, who wants his first child Ronggur to be a role model in the indigenous Batak family. This research applied Maslow’s theory which divides hierarchy of needs into psychological needs, safety needs, love and belongingness needs, esteem needs, and needs for self actualization. The findings indicate that all the antagonist’s life needs could be achieved by hook or by crook. This study can give a lesson that the community can reach and meet their needs depending on the strength of wills.


Keywords: needs hierarchy, psychological needs, safety needs, love and belongingness needs, esteem needs, needs for self actualization.

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