Training Development of Archived Materials Based on Local Potentials in the Framework of the Development Program of Students Assisted Social Education Laboratory (Labsosdik) at SMK in Malang


Teaching material is information, and text tools needed instructor/lecturer/teacher to review the planning and implementation of learning. Teaching materials are any materials used to assist/lecturers/teachers/instructors in teaching and learning activities in class. The material in question can be written material or material not written. (National Center for Vocational Education Research Ltd/National Center for Competency Based Training). Teaching materials is a set of systematically arranged material either in writing or not so as to create the environment/ atmosphere that allows students/student/subject teaching to learning. Development refers to the three priorities of community development in health, education, and economic development program which is a target schools or the Laboratory of Social and Education (Labsosdik). SMK Kepanjen is one of the target area labsosdik Malang Department of Education directed the development of the area of education. For that from April to October 2011, held the steps community service activities related to the field of education, namely ”Development of Teaching Material Archival Training Based Local Potential” for vocational school teachers, with the theme ”TRAINING DEVELOPMENT OF ARCHIVED MATERIALS BASED ON LOCAL POTENTIALS IN THE FRAMEWORK OF THE DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM OF STUDENTS ASSISTED SOCIAL EDUCATION LABORATORY (LABSOSDIK) AT SMK IN MALANG”. Activities focused on archival education to support the development of local potentials in the form of archival training and preparation of archival materials for teachers training SMK.Kegiatan is motivated by the premise that, the subjects of Filing is one of the subjects in the curriculum of vocational kesekolahan. Filing in vocational subjects are often overlooked by the classroom teacher because of the limited ability of teachers to creativity in teaching, making learning Archival theory revolves around the perfunctory explanation. Local potential associated with the potential of the local area, especially areas containing the wisdom of Filing and contains human values such as teamwork, sportsmanship, and kreativitas.Tujuan of training activities is to help teachers solve the problem of the difficulty of teaching materials on the subjects of Filing. This event was attended by teachers who have an interest to teach at his school Archives. Through this training vocational teachers are expected to have the ability to explore different types of activities Filing, Filing for teaching materials that can be taught in their respective schools., So that it can help the development of the region as a destination by presenting a variety of educational activities in vocational setempat.Kegiatan Filing is being carried out in collaboration determining achievement of the ISO in vocational activities, resulting in a synergy of learning mutual empowerment.


Keywords: Teaching materials, Filing, Local Potential, Labsosdik

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